Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Travelers Tradition.

It's been decided that Traveler's - our favorite expat bar - will likely become a weekly Sunday night tradition.  This week was awesome because we dove into a delicious mountain of nachos, and I've been craving chips and salsa for weeks.  I also got to try the Canadian favorite, Poutine, which is basically fries with gravy and cheese.  It was a very nutritious dinner, as you can tell.

It feels good to have a place we can go to feel at home.  The menu rivals that of a pub at home and you can always find other expats to chat with.  It's so fun to not only meet many Koreans while here, but also other teachers from all over the world.  I've made friends with people from Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand!

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