Sunday, December 11, 2011


Somehow the word "no" has been lost in translation to many of my students.  And I don't mean that they just agree to do anything I ask, I mean they say "yes" to every single question I ask them, whether it makes sense or not.  They take everything very literally.

Here's a sample conversation:

Jessica Teacher:  "Sunwu, do you have your homework?"

Sunwu:  "Yes."

"Well, can I see it please?"

"Yes."  But doesn't move a muscle.

"Sunwu, you didn't do your homework, did you?"

"Yes."  With a hopeful look on his face.

"Yes, you did your homework?  Or do you mean you didn't do your homework?"


"You have your homework?


"Sunwu, please take our your homework."

At this point, the student finally gets the point that they need to take out their homework book but-low and behold-the pages are usually empty.

This is a daily conversation I have with at least one of my students.  No matter how clear I attempt to be, it never fails.

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