Friday, December 30, 2011

Staff Dinner #1.

December 23rd turned out to be one the best nights I've had in Korea thus far.  We had a staff dinner - which essentially means free food, free drinks, ample bonding time with co-workers, and (in this case)  Secret Santa gifts.  Pretty solid situation, right?  Right.

A little insight into Korean culture: they like to drink.  I was warned before we left that people would be pouring me drinks all night - mostly because everyone wanted to make sure that I knew, in Korea, you pour and receive drinks with two hands - but I never could have guessed the amount of alcohol that one little posse of teachers could consume.

Needless to say, this is how most of the group was feeling, well before the clock struck midnight.

To make matters worse (or better), we got the first real snow of the season!  It seemed like a welcome surprise as we exited the restaurant. 

That is, until everyone and their mother started falling.  Luckily my Minnesota genes kicked in, and I was able to stay on my feet.  But there were definitely some close calls.

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